The forecast was for a very wet and windy day, in fact so much so that general sailing was cancelled for the day and only racing was planned to go ahead.
But despite the mornings foul weather, 7 hardy (or is that foolhardy? Ed.) racers turned up to race, and their keenness was rewarded, as the forecast for the afternoon (no more rain and less wind) was totally accurate.

As he wasn’t in attendance, we don’t have the usual ‘riveting’ report from our regular race journalist. So unfortunately this weeks report is much shorter. But I do have 2 incidents from the race start, that I feel worthy of comment…

To set the scene; with the wind coming from the west, the start line was set between the 303 pontoon and mark K.
1). With just seconds to go until their start, 2 of the Liberty’s (who’s helmsmen will remain unnamed!) were heading at speed towards the pontoon end of the line…(where the race control boat was slowly backing away, into the small gap between the 2 pontoons!!. Ed). Realising that he was too early for his start time, the Liberty nearest the line decided to gybe around, forcing the leeward boat to also gybe in order to avoid a collision.
Note to the helm: One of the rules of sailing, is that, with 2 boats on the same tack, the windward boat is the give way boat. So next time, tack instead of gybing, then drop back over the line and start.

2). At the other end of the start line, a late starting single-handed 303 (sailed by a volunteer) on starboard tack, was aiming to cut just inside of mark K. Unfortunately one of the Liberty’s, manoeuvring around waiting for his start time, was also heading towards mark K, on port tack, so on a collision course!! The 303 had to take avoiding action by tacking, which meant totally missing the start line.
Note to the Liberty helm: The first rule for when boats meet is that Starboard tack has right of way!!

Anyway, on to the results, which were:
1. Kim Sparkes; 2. eter Gregory; 3. Peter Wagner; 4. Fay Watson; 5. Mike Blatchford; 6. Paul; 7. Bill Garry;


6 comments on “WS Racing – Summer Series 9 – 29th Sept

  • Well, well, well, the threat of a hardline attitude to abuses of alcohol, drugs or underwater propulsion has had the desired results…no Farmer, Fisher, Mason or Frewer and a very late appearance from the blonde in the reeds(K**) meant that the race was or should have been wide open. Was this the opportunity for the iBoat of young Wagner to come to the fore. But clearly money talks…the blonde once again got the fast boat, waved cheekily to the red rocket and was never seen again.The race director is rumoured to be wearing flashy new shades…and why did he need these on a day of rain and wind? And on shore the Thomas seemed very pleased with himself…did he keep back the favoured boat for the blonde and could he too be open to the odd bung of a pony? But all is not lost…The Thomas is off to see friends in the Costa del Sol and the boat allocation will be handled by the tall, handsome Irishman..he of impeccable taste and high sporting standards. Let us see who comes out on top when fairness rules the waves…

    • At least I managed to get into the top 3! Maybe the threat of rain and ‘high’ winds kept people away. That was a messy start though, sorry Mike for not giving way. I thought that the yellow peril with red sails was a apt boat for its sailor last week though!

    • Blonde??!! And since when was the yellow peril the fastest boat?!
      The fault lies, esteemed Trustee, with Mike on the control boat. He seemed strangly compelled, in the absence of Mr Fisher, to take over his gentlemanly role and enquire as to how I was – fatal for my fellow computers since I replied through gritted teeth ‘migraine’!
      However should any of my fellow computers be reading this late entry – never fear – I’m feeling well (ish) today so that should set me to the back of the field! Good luck all

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